24 children underwent MIBG scan in Italy in 2019

MIBG examination is performed using radioactive iodine isotopes to detect and to diagnose certain types of tumors. In particular, neuroblastoma, which is common among our beneficiaries.

MIBG scanning is included in the international treatment protocol: with its help, the doctors can find even the smallest remnants of tumors and metastases, while other types of examinations do not detect them. Only after this examination, it is possible to find out in time whether still there is a tumor and whether it is necessary to continue treatment.

As these isotopes are not available in Ukraine, since 2016 we have been constantly sending our beneficiaries to Italy for examination. Thus, in 2019, 24 children were diagnosed with MIBG at Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo at the total cost of 273,446 UAH.

In addition to the cost of the scan, a flight to Italy and back is quite expensive. Thanks to the Flying Angels Foundation and the Airlife Agency, our kids could get to their destination for free.

In Bergamo, our volunteers meet the children and accompany them to the hospital. We are grateful to all those who take care of our kids abroad.

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