Become a Partner

Business cannot exist in isolation from the society with its social needs and problems. Participation in their solution increases the efficiency of interaction between the enterprise and the external environment and, in addition to purely moral satisfaction, can bring great economic benefits.


According to the Reputation Institute, 73% of consumers around the world are ready to recommend companies that implement corporate social responsibility programs. With equal conditions of competition, the consumer is more likely to spend money on a product with a charity component.


All possible assets of the company can be used for a good cause: funds, goods, professional services and human capital.


We guarantee maximum efficiency from every donation. We know where to channel your funds, so they could truly change the world. We work according to the European standards for planning, reporting and monitoring. You will be pleased to make this world a better place with us!


Surveys of socially responsible companies say that 80% of employees are proud to work for a socially responsible company, 92% identify charity programs as "important" or "very important".


Employee involvement in the implementation of charitable programs is the creation of shared values for employees and companies.


Here you will find some ideas on how to unite the whole team for a good cause «Charity at work».


In addition, we believe that in childhood we should foster values that a person will carry through life.


Here there are some tips on how to implement this initiative in your child’s school or where you teach «Charity at school».


Let’s unite for a good cause!