Only two children managed to undergo MIBG scan in 2020

MIBG is a scan that, among all others, provides the most accurate results in the diagnosis of neuroblastoma. Due to the lack of proper diagnosis in Ukraine, we sent our beneficiaries for this examination in Italy.

In early 2020, two children were examined. Davyd, who completed treatment, received good news as no tumor remnants or metastases were detected. Danylo’s results suggested that he should continue to fight the disease, so the boy’s family was planning treatment in Germany.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ukrainian patients have not been able to undergo MIBG scans for more than two months, and the doctors have to resort to less informative examinations in treatment. We are currently awaiting the opening of the borders and are looking for foreign clinics that can provide this critical service to our beneficiaries as soon as possible.


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